Online Modules

The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion provides EDIDA-focused training modules. Below is a list of current and future trainings accessible to all students and employees. For more information on training, please contact

Unpacking and Addressing Ableism

Ableism is a pervasive issue that affects individuals with disabilities in various aspects of their lives. It often forces them to downplay their identities for psychological and physical survival, especially when intersecting with other forms of oppression. This erasure of identity can lead to significant personal costs, as individuals navigate environments that do not fully recognize or accommodate their needs. This module explores ableism, the discrimination and marginalization of people with disabilities, focusing on its social and cultural contexts. Participants will examine how ableism manifests in everyday life, from language to institutional barriers, and its intersection with other forms of oppression such as racism and sexism. Through case studies and reflective questions, participants will learn to identify ableist practices and attitudes, develop strategies for challenging ableism, and promote accessibility and inclusivity in their personal and professional spaces.

Registration and more information about the module.

Unpacking and Addressing Ageism

This module delves into the complexities of ageism, the stereotypes, prejudices, and discriminatory practices based on a person’s age. Participants will examine how ageism impacts individuals across the lifespan—from youth to older adults—focusing on both explicit and implicit biases in personal, workplace, and societal contexts. The module encourages participants to critically reflect on age-related assumptions, explore the systemic structures that perpetuate ageism, and consider the intersection of ageism with other forms of oppression, including sexism and racism. Participants will gain tools to identify and address ageist attitudes and practices, learning strategies to advocate for more inclusive, age-positive environments.

Registration and more information about the module.

Unpacking and Addressing Sexism and Misogyny

This module explores sexism and misogyny, examining their roots, impacts, and the systems that perpetuate them in society. The module unpacks how gender-based discrimination manifests in various spaces—personal, professional, and societal, and the intersectionality of sexism with other forms of oppression, such as racism and ableism, emphasizing how different identities experience these issues in unique ways. Participants will learn to identify and challenge their own biases, develop strategies to confront and dismantle sexist attitudes and behaviours and foster a more equitable and inclusive environment. The module will also cover actionable steps to support gender equity in organizations and communities, empowering participants to become advocates for change.

Registration and more information about the module.

Building Inclusivity Through Anti-Racism (Required for All Western Students and Employees)

The Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) created this e-learning module on Building Inclusivity through Anti-Racism following the President's Anti-Racism Working Group's (ARWG) recommendations in their final report. This  introductory module  on anti-racism is the first building block that will count towards a certificate in Anti-Racism Foundations.This module explores sexism and misogyny, examining their roots, impacts, and the systems that perpetuate them in society. The module unpacks how gender-based discrimination manifests in various spaces—personal, professional, and societal, and the intersectionality of sexism with other forms of oppression, such as racism and ableism, emphasizing how different identities experience these issues in unique ways. Participants will learn to identify and challenge their own biases, develop strategies to confront and dismantle sexist attitudes and behaviours and foster a more equitable and inclusive environment. The module will also cover actionable steps to support gender equity in organizations and communities, empowering participants to become advocates for change.

Registration and more information about the module.

Historical Review of Racism in Canada

It is essential to learn about the history of racism towards Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour because when we understand and acknowledge the history of these communities, we can honour, respect, and celebrate them. It is also crucial because Canada and the Western University community aim to move forward and disrupt the oppressive systems in place within our institutions and policies. Finally, Western is committed to becoming a strong anti-racist community where all can feel included, validated, heard, and respected, not despite our differences but for our differences.  

Registration and more information about this module.

Transforming Power and White Privilege

This module offers participants the opportunity to reflect on their positionality as social beings and learn about privilege, White privilege, and allyship. The main goal of the module is to aid you in finding strategies to transform your privileges and power into a tool that co-creates a more equitable and inclusive environment in Western, and within your personal and professional life wherever you might be in the future.  

Registration and more information about this module.

Bias and Microaggressions: Impact, Prevention, and Intervention

Biases are mental shortcuts that humans use to decide what is good or bad, what we like or do not like. All human beings have biases, but they can be changed once we know we have them and intend to eradicate them. Unconscious biases can create harmful environments where people are viewed negatively, and could affect our decision-making and hiring processes, ultimately contributing to more interpersonal, institutional, and systemic barriers. Similarly, microaggressions can also harm individuals bringing feelings of hopelessness, resentment, and affecting the overall wellbeing of equity-deserving group members.

This module allows you to learn about biases, types of biases, microaggressions, and macroaggressions. Build awareness around the impact of microaggressions on both targets of microaggressions and microaggressors, identify strategies to recognize and address implicit biases, and consider microintervention tactics to disarm microaggressions.  

Registration and more information about this module.

Unpacking and Addressing Antisemitism

This e-learning module allows participants to reflect on antisemitism and its impact on the Jewish community, Western students, and employees. Explore the basics about Jewish communities, their main holidays, and significant symbols. Build up your knowledge on the role social media has had on contemporary antisemitism and learn strategies to address antisemitic microaggressions and overt antisemitism on campus and on social media.

Registration and more information about this module.

Unpacking and Addressing Anti-Asian Racism

In 2021, there was a 47% increase in racist incidents experienced by Asian Canadians (Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter & Project 1907, 2021). These incidents do not even include the anti-Asian microaggressions that Asian Canadians experience every day or the ways in which they must adapt in order to ‘fit into’ Canadian society. In this module, we unpack anti-Asian racism and the myths and stereotypes that continue to harm Asians in Canada. Explore the intersectionality that Asian communities experience in Canada and at Western. Examine different strategies to address anti-Asian racism and microaggressions.

Registration and more information about this module.

Unpacking and Addressing Islamophobia

Islamophobia has manifested itself commonly through incidents of the physical assault of Muslims as well as the vandalism of mosques. In extreme cases, several Muslims have also been targeted and killed by virtue of the religion that they practice. This e-learning module allows participants to reflect on Islamophobia and its impact on the Muslim community, Western students, and employees. Explore the basics about Muslim communities, their main holidays, and significant symbols. Build up your knowledge of myths around Islamophobia and learn strategies to address microaggressions and overt Islamophobia on campus and social media.

Registration and more information about this module.

Unpacking and Addressing Anti-Black Racism

Anti-Black racism in North America is a legacy of not just colonialism but essentially the transatlantic slave trade and the subsequent mistreatment of Black people following the abolition of slavery. This module provides some insight into some common terms related to anti-Black racism, alongside a review of the different ways anti-Black racism has been manifested. Learn some practical strategies that can be used to address anti-Black racism in your day-to-day lives. 

Registration and more information about this module.

Are you interested in having access to Western's e-Learning modules?

Our EDIDA online modules can be customized to fit the unique needs, context and audience of your organization or institution. The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at Western has successfully collaborated with various partners to tailor content that makes a real impact. Among them are:

  • Niagara College Canada
  • University of Windsor
  • Queens University at Kingston
  • Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital
  • St. Joseph's Health Care London 
  • The City of London

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