Western Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (WIDE) Survey
As outlined in Towards Western at 150, Western is committed to building a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive community.
Accordingly, Western launched its first community-wide Equity Census in the fall of 2021. In March 2022, Western released an Equity Census Report, which served as an invaluable starting point in understanding the demographic make-up of our community. In August 2023, the Office of EDI expanded upon this initial report by including in-depth statistical analyses of the Equity Census data in The Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion: 2022-23 Annual Progress Report.
Recognizing that the language people use to describe themselves is constantly evolving, the current Western Equity Census has been updated to better reflect individuals’ uniqueness and individuality. The questions were updated by the EDI Data Working Group, who engaged in extensive consultation processes with the wider campus community. We have also renamed the Western Equity Census to the Western Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (WIDE) Survey to reflect its dynamic nature and widespread scope.
We are pleased to inform you that the WIDE survey will be available through My Human Resources and Student Center on February 1, 2024. Information collected through the WIDE Survey is voluntary and confidential. We strongly encourage you to complete the WIDE Survey when it is available to ensure your voice is heard and contributes to the development of a more equitable and inclusive Western.
In line with the EDIDA Strategic Plan, the WIDE Survey is an important tool to understand the demographics of our Western community and support equity, diversity and inclusion across our campus.
How do I complete the WIDE Survey?
The WIDE Survey, which is voluntary and confidential, is available to complete through My Human Resources (for employees) and Student Center (for students).
Are MyHR and Student Center safe tools to collect this information?
Collection of EDI Census Data on Student Center and MyHR Student Center and My HR are secure, online applications where Western student, faculty and staff can view and update information related to their academic and employment relationship. Access to EDI data is restricted to only individuals accountable for reporting MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) is required to access My Human Resources. MFA adds another layer of security, by combining something you know (your password) with something you have (your phone or hardware token) to verify your identity.
Why is Western switching from a Census to a Survey?
Western is moving from doing a Census, which counts everyone at one time, to using a Survey that occurs continuously. Surveys are more flexible and can give updated information regularly.
Who are the members of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Data Working Group?
Current Members:
- Chair, EDI Data Analyst - Office of EDI
- Associate Vice-President, EDI, - Delegate Allowed
- Vice Provost and Associate Vice-President, Office of Indigenotion Initiatives (OII) - Delegrate Allowed
- Member from Western Research appointed by Vice-President (Research)
- Member from Western Research Ethics appointed by the Vice-President (Research)
- Member from Office of the Registrar (OOR) appointed by the University Registrar
- Member from School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS) appointed by the Vice-Provost (SGPS)
- Member from the Office of the Vice-Provost (Academic Planning, Policy and Faculty) (APPF) appointed by the Vice-Provost (APPF)
- Member from Human Resources appointed by the Associate Vice-President (Human Resources)
- Member of the University Secretariat appointed by the University Secretary
- Member of Western International appointed by the Vice-Provost (International)
- Western Privacy Office
- President of the University Students' Council (USC) - Delegate Allowed
- President of the Society of Graduate Students (SOGS) - Delegate Allowed
- A Senior Leader Represenative from each of the Affiliated University Colleges [as determined by the President of the respective Affiliated University College]
Western is committed to keeping people as informed and up-to-date as possible about this important project. Individuals with further questions can contact:
Email: edi@uwo.ca
Project Lead: Dr. Michael Godfrey, EDI Data Analyst