Introducing the EDIDA Strategic Plan!

EDIDA Strategic Planning Workshops are now available. Register here.

We are proud to share Western’s Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Decolonization and Accessibility (EDIDA) Strategic Plan: Advancing Inclusive Excellence, our collaborative roadmap to building a more inclusive Western community and campus.

The EDIDA Strategic Plan was created in robust consultation and extensive collaboration with the Western community and embodies Western’s commitment to creating an equitable, diverse and inclusive community for all. Thousands of Western students, alumni, staff, faculty members and leaders shared their ideas, experiences and aspirations for the plan.

Our Vision: Fostering safe, accessible, and equitable places, spaces, and experiences where every person belongs and feels empowered to achieve their full potential at Western.


What do we hope to achieve with the EDIDA Strategic Plan?

Five outcome statements emerged directly from the thoughtful and comprehensive input provided by participants during our engagement processes.

  • Western students, staff, faculty, leaders, alumni and visitors will feel safe and have a strong sense of belonging.
  • Students, staff, faculty and leaders with disabilities will experience barrier-free, accessible environments and services at Western.
  • Equity-deserving groups will be represented in Western's students, staff, faculty, librarians, archivists and leaders.
  • Western's community, culture, policies and curriculum will reflect the values of reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and demonstrate our collective commitment to responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's 94 Calls to Action and the Western Indigenous Strategic Plan.
  • Western leaders will be active EDIDA practitioners and passionate champions for actively building a culture of inclusion and addressing inequality.

Five strategic priorities

Five strategic priority areas articulate the actions we will take to make our shared vision a reality. The initial implementation phase of the EDIDA Strategic Plan will run from December 2024 to June 2027.

Are you ready to engage with the EDIDA Strategic Plan? Learn more about how you can implement EDIDA strategies and tactics in your unit with our  EDIDA Strategic Plan Companion Guide and Action Planning Tool!

EDIDA Strategic Priorities

Diverse Representation and Engagement

Western ensures students, staff, faculty, librarians, archivists, and leaders reflect the diverse communities we serve, partner with and impact, including all equity-deserving groups who have been historically, and are currently, under-represented and under-resourced.


  • Advance equitable recruitment and hiring, retention, development, and promotion of staff, faculty, librarians, archivists and leaders from equity-deserving (ED) communities.
  • Regularly review and strengthen the student admissions, enrolment and retention practices to reflect EDIDA principles and cultivate successful student outcomes.
  • Develop an environment of inclusion and belonging at Western, where ED groups are fully valued and engaged.

Inclusive Excellence in Learning and Teaching

Western cultivates inclusive, equitable and accessible learning environments, embedding Indigenization and equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonization and accessibility principles and best practices into our teaching, curriculum, programming and assessment.


  • Prepare and support faculty to incorporate EDIDA more fully into the classroom to enhance students’ learning experiences.
  • Apply equity, diversity, inclusion, accessibility, decolonization and anti-racism principles in undergraduate and graduate education.
  • Build university-side culture that values EDIDA in teaching and learning at the level of policy and governance.
  • Support multiple pathways to and beyond the university.

Inclusive Excellence in Research and Innovation

Western builds inclusive and accessible research and innovation environments through equitable practices, policies and supports that foster diverse perspectives and impactful outcomes; embracing the intentional integration of inclusive, decolonial, Indigenization and anti-racist approaches within our research initiatives and ecosystem.


  • Advance equity in internal and external research funding and awards.
  • Expand mentorship opportunities tailored specifically to ED students and undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral and ECR training.
  • Cultivate inclusive and accessible research environments where students, researchers and staff feel welcomed, supported, valued and celebrated.
  • Develop partnerships with ED groups, both internal and external to Western, to promote research that benefits their communities.

Safe, Accessible and Inclusive Spaces, Places and Experiences

Western plans, designs, builds and maintains university spaces, places and experiences to be welcoming, safe, accessible and usable for all students, staff, faculty and visitors, with special attention to the needs and representation of people with disabilities, Indigenous peoples and additional equity-deserving groups.


  • Optimize accessibility across Western’s campus for people with disabilities.
  • Enhance accessibility, safety and ease of use of indoor and outdoor spaces, facilities and environments.
  • Embed accessibility principles across Western.
  • Reflect diverse identities, cultures, histories, traditions and ways of being across campus indoor and outdoor spaces and programming.
  • Support and nurture ED student, staff and faculty wellness and success.

Enabling Priority: System-wide Capacity Building and Cultural Change

This strategic priority describes the areas that Western University will focus on to enable the achievement of the first four strategic priorities.

Western builds system-wide capacity and capabilities to lead and ignite bold and meaningful EDIDA cultural and operational change.


  • Embed equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonization and accessibility into Western’s culture and climate.
  • Strengthen and widen the EDIDA governance and leadership net.
  • Collect, analyze and use data to guide our way forward and advance accountability for EDIDA change.
  • Expand understanding of, and commitment to, EDIDA across students, staff and faculty.
  • Build and sustain EDIDA capacity across Western.
  • Develop and bolster sustainable partnerships with external ED communities, associations, networks and organizations.
  • Prioritize communication and storytelling.

Thank you to the Western students, alumni, staff, faculty and leaders who shared their experiences and provided feedback. Let’s keep the conversation going – share your thoughts and reflections on the EDIDA Strategic Plan using our feedback form.